This morning while drinking my coffee and reading the paper, I enjoyed watching the nature that surrounds us. The robins have already hatched their first clutch and the fledglings are out on their own. Now they are getting ready to lay eggs for a second round. The bunny that frequents my front garden is hopping up by the road and the hummingbird is stopping by my impatien bed for breakfast.
I took Beth Bott's (Chiczgo Tribune garden writer) advice and planted a few more vegetables in my front perennial bed that had a few spots open. I planted a sweet pepper and two different types of egg plant. It's also not too late to start a vegetable garden, depending on the type of vegetables that you would like to grow. Cooler weather is not too far away and you can do a second sowing of cool season crops such as carrots, beets, broccoli, lettuces, turnips, spinach and chard. You could even do some cabbages if you get shorter maturing varieties. we will be doing a final crop of some of these at Countryside and they should be available by the end of August.
I noticed recently that my roses seemed mysteriously Japanese beetle free and then yesterday I saw that my neighbor had put out a Japanese beetle trap. So I am hoping that that is where they have all gone. And bless her heart for "taking one for the team."
What's New at C'side
As things have slowed at the store we are making plans for next year. Lori is in the midst of ordering perennial plugs for plants we will grow here. Young Pamela spent last weekend in Ohio at the Ohio Shortcourse. They have seminars relating to al facets of the green industry for industry professionals, including production, green house management and marketing. One great idea that she came home with concerns how we display our annuals for containers. We now have 6 tables devoted to plants in the same color scheme that would look good in a container or window box. Micheal has already potted some up so you can see what it would look like and are for sale, or you can buy the individual plants to do it yourself.
Next Friday Micheal and I are going to West Chicago for the Ball Seed Field Days. These gardens are also open to the public, so if you have the opportunity to go, make sure you do. Cantigny gardens are not far from there and it would make a great field trip for a garden club or other group.
Kim Hartmann will be attending the Perennial Plant Association meetings in August in Ohio. Last year she came back with some great plant selections that we have incorporated into our plant offerings this year. Some of those plants she showcased in her presentation on New Perennials ofor 2007, and you can see a slide show of those by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.
Luggage Update
As you may recall from earlier postings on my return from Spain earlier this month my luggage was left in Barcelona and missed my connecting flight to New York and then Chicago. Because the flight from Barcelona to Madrid was on the local discount Spanish airline, Vueling, they refused to forward my bags to me, even tho the service rep at the claims counter assured my would. I ended up paying DHL to pick up the bags for me and they are now on their way here and should arrive Monday. All of my pictures were in the backpack I carry and as soon as I get them back and sorted I will post the garden pictures.