Since I have known him, Terry has added many late summer and fall blooming perennials, so I was surprised to learn that part of his garden is devoted to spring blooming woodland natives. One of his mentors in gardening and woodland plantings was the late Bill Wingate. Terry has several plants, including a celadon poppy, that were given to him by Bill.
Another thing I like about Terry’s garden is the use of annuals within his perennial beds. Some of his favorite annuals are the tall, colorful zinnias and cleome. He grows both of these from seed. Another of his prize plants is one that came from a 120 year-old farm house in McHenry County. The green coneflower (Rudbeckia lanciata) is normally found in southern Illinois. For the longest time he didn’t know what it was and finally had to enlist the help of the county ex

To the west of Terry’s house is a row of trees that have grown and matured over the years Terry has lived in the house. Slowly, these changes are impacting the garden. Terry has had to reduce the size of the vegetable garden and shift it more to the east. Eventually it will be taken out. Some of the grasses that dot the various beds have also suffered from the increasing shade.
I also didn’t realize that Terry has an extensive collection of container g
ardens on his deck, including this unique antique chimney flue. This year he has it planted in New Zealand flax (phormium), which he overwinters indoors, vinca vine, impatiens and coleus. These same colors are carried out in the other containers.

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